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Pathway Financial Planning

Wealth Management

Risk means something different for each client. Portfolios are designed to meet your objectives while maintaining your individual risk tolerance.

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Transition Advisor 

I specialize in assisting others that are going through life transitions; such death of spouse, divorce or how to handle an inheritance. 

Financial Planning

When it comes to Financial Planning and managing investments I take a collaborative approach. As a Certified Financial Planner® I act as your financial team’s quarterback. 

Divorce Assistance

As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA), I can help you think through the real cost of divorce and develop a true picture of how the divorce will impact you not only today, but tomorrow as well. 

When was the last time your banker, broker, insurance agent, realtor, CPA, and attorney were all in the same room together giving you advice on what to do next?


As a Certified Financial Planner™, I act as the quarterback for my clients. My objective is to develop a winning strategy that allows my clients to be successful in reaching their goals. When necessary, to execute the plan, I will hand/pass the ball to the professional that is best suited to assist us in reaching their plans.


My goal is to provide affordable and quality financial advice to everyone.  I help regular folks to make wise decisions not only on money management, but also in creating a sensible estate plan for themselves and their children.

Is your financial advisor/planner a Fiduciary?  See About Me for more info.

Is the product being recommended in your best interest or your advisor’s best interest?

Maybe you would just like a second opinion?


I am a Fiduciary.  As a Registered Investment Advisor in the State of Virginia, I put my client’s interest above my own.  I do not sell nor represent any particular financial company or product.  This independence allows me to provide unbiased financial and estate planning advice and recommend only those products that will fulfill my clients financial goals.


Looking for a Financial Planner that you can partner with in the Tidewater area? Let’s chat and see if we are a good fit.  


Together, we can formulate a plan that is specifically designed to help you succeed. 

Want To Know More?  Connect with Oscar Now for a Complimentary Consultation:

Backpacks for Honduras Students


We are all familiar with school backpacks.  Every fall lots of organizations work diligently to provide basic school supplies for students for the coming school year.  In Honduras their schedule, and rules, are a little different.  They start school in February.  However, if the student has no school supplies, they are unable to attend school.  No school supplies, no school.

Over the last several years my family has worked to help support children in Honduras.  Our goal is to provide these children the opportunity to get an education. An education that will improve their ability to get a decent job, improve their way of life, and allow them to escape the poverty that most of them live in.  To do this we work with missionaries in Honduras to distribute these backpacks via small churches.

The big goal is to educate Hondurans so they will lift up their own country. My hope is to help them learn to read and write, so they will be able to read the Bible, understand God's Word, and then spread that Word.  Educated, and with a Christian perspective, they will be the future leaders of Honduras.  To do this I need your help providing backpacks filled with school supplies to as many students as possible.  

In 2020, between our church, my wife’s school, and friends, we provided over 350 backpacks filled with school supplies.  This year I would like to fill 400.  If you are interested in helping, contact me at and I will provide you with the list of what is needed to create a backpack for a Honduran student.   For more information check out the website

I pledge to provide one additional backpack for each new client I acquire this year.

Thank you, in advance, for your generous help in this endeavor!


About Pathway Financial Planning


"I Will Instruct You (says the Lord) and Guide You Along the Best Pathway  for Your Life; I Will Advise You and Watch Your Progress.”

Psalm 32:8  (The Living Bible)

When I started this company I struggled with what to name the company. A close friend suggested a name from a scripture passage taken from the book of Psalms. The moment I heard it, I knew that was the right name.


My background as a US Army Ranger has helped me develop advanced navigation skills. My map and compass were my tools. However, it was only by physically using those tools that allowed me to always be able to point to exactly where my (team, company) was on the map. We had no GPS Satellites to assist us, it was just me, along with my map and compass. By using a map, you can imagine that there are always multiple paths to take, each with their own risks and possible unknowns.  However, determining the best path to take takes skill and precision.


Financial planning is much like navigating. I work with my clients to help them determine what the best path is for them to reach their financial goals. When the unexpected comes up I am there to assist them to clear those obstacles and get back on their path. Technology has made the job more precise and information more accessible and timely than ever. However, it is the experience of using the tools, coupled with the information to assist my clients in making wise decisions that will keep them on their unique path and give them peace of mind.


As a fiduciary, I strive to the best of my ability to do the best I can for every single one of my clients. Regardless of their income, wealth or age I work to provide the very best advice to each and every one. The following quote comes from Douglas MacArthur’s address to the Corp of Cadets at West Point on my birthday in 1962. Since I was 18 this quote has always been on my path of life.


“Duty, Honor, Country: Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be. They are your rallying points: to build courage when courage seems to fail; to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith; to create hope when hope becomes forlorn.”

Connect with Oscar Now for a Complimentary Consultation



Josiah P.

I have full confidence in Oscar getting me to my financial goals. A client for life.

Shelley S.

I have always found Oscar to be transparent, professional, reliable, and
responsible. I recommend him as a financial advisor to all those seeking.

Ann & Tom A.

Oscar has been our financial advisor for years and is always concerned
about what is best for us, not himself.  He listens and takes steps that will
work in our best interest.

Sue W.

Oscar is wonderful to work with.  I give him 5 stars!

Julia S.

He is happy to discuss any financial aspect of our lives, we have found it
easy to bring up many subjects that would have gone undiscussed
otherwise.  We are pleased to have found him.

780 Pilot House Dr Suite 100 C

Newport News, VA 23606


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Pathway Financial Planning 2020: Securities and investment advisory services offered through Pathway Financial Planning, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor in the state of Virginia. Insurance products and services are offered through Pathway Financial Services, Pathway Financial Planning, Inc. and Pathway Financial Services are affiliated companies.

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